Adventure Meals Big charcuterie board, taco truck lunch or dinner, pancake breakfast on the bluffs or at the lake, cook to order dine in & deliver, married couples banquet Varies Varies Any
Arena Antics 1½ hours of group horseback games 12 60 8+
Child Care (ages 5-17) Focus on God’s Word during family camp adult sessions 1 36 5+
Crafts $5 voucher toward your choice of crafts 1 60 Any
The Edge High ropes course 6 36 8+
Escape Rooms Multiple options for a 45-minute challenge 5 40  
Jeep Tours 30–60 minute tour of beautiful desert landscape 6 60 Any
Laser Tag Pain-free fun with displayed score of tags 6 60 12+
Message MP3 Sessions recorded with online access 1 60 Any
Nursery (ages 0-4)  Less distractions during family camp adult sessions 1 12 Infant
Paintball Over an hour play time, 200 paint balls 6 30 12+
Rifle Range .22 rifles (25 shots) 1 45 12+
Sandboarding Descend the sand dunes in style! 10 50 12+
Shotgun Range 12-gauge shotgun with 10 shots and skeet 1 45 12+
Skit Show 30–45 minutes of hilarious frivolity 35 Lots Any
Team Builder Lots of fun with teachable moments 12 48 12+
Trail Ride One hour of instruction and horseback riding 4 40 8+