Defined Admissions Info

Standards of acceptance are based on application and evaluation. Individuals desiring to enter Defined must follow these procedures.
1. Contact us to obtain an application for Defined.
Phone: 760.257.3503 (8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday–Friday)
Mail: Defined
49191 Cherokee Road
Newberry Springs, CA 92365
2. Complete the application and distribute the references as indicated.
3. Applications will not be processed until all three references have been received. Please allow adequate time for this process. A notice of acceptance or denial will be sent after the application and references have been evaluated.
Because the purpose of Defined is to mentor those wanting to be involved in a life of ministry to God’s glory, Ironwood will not accept any individual who does not have a clear testimony of salvation in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, it is our desire to train qualified young people who have already shown a desire to live in obedience to God’s Word and have been faithful with the responsibilities given to them. Students will be asked to sign Ironwood’s doctrinal statement and code of conduct.