We hope to see you soon at
49191 Cherokee Road, Newberry Springs, CA 92365
Before following smartphone app directions, please verify it directs you down I-15 to Harvard Road
. . . unless you really want to get stuck in a sand dune. 🙂

We are located in the Mojave Desert north of Barstow, approximately half-way between Los Angeles and Las Vegas on the I-15. I-15 is the quickest route for all campers except those coming through Arizona.
If traveling north on I-15, take the Harvard Road exit (#206) 23 miles north of Barstow and turn right.
If traveling south on I-15, take the Harvard Road exit (#206) 39 miles south of Baker and turn left.
Cross the frontage road and railroad tracks and continue south approximately ½ mile.
Turn left (east) onto Cherokee Road, a dirt road, at the telephone poles.
If traveling west on I-40, take the first Newberry Springs exit (#23) and turn left (south) to the stop sign.
Turn right (west) on National Trails Highway and go 3 miles to Newberry Road.
Turn right (north) and go 6 miles to Riverside Road.
Turn right (east) and go 1 mile to Harvard Road.
Turn left (north) and go 3 miles to Cherokee Road, a dirt road, at the telephone poles.
Turn right (east).
After turning onto Cherokee Road, continue 3½ miles due east (the road jogs slightly).
Our registration office, the Way Station, is the big building to the right after you come down the hill and pass the welcome sign.