If you are looking for a small way to invest in big things, consider joining the E-Posse. Made up of various individuals from all walks of life, the E-Posse is a band of eternally-minded donors who recognize the large impact of small gifts. Several times a year, Ironwood sends an e-mail to the E-Posse with a list of needs and projects. Sometimes one of our teams just needs a new drill or playground balls for a game. Other times, something as big as a new tractor lands on the list. Several times we have needed information, labor, or antiques for décor that may have been sitting in someone’s garage for years! No matter how small or big the request, the E-Posse has always been a group of people willing to give small gifts that add up to big improvements with an eternal impact!

If you would like to join this generous group of eternally-minded people, click the button below. Thank you for helping the Ironwood ministry! We praise God continually for people like you who are willing to invest in eternity.

In the past, the E-Posse has provided work gloves for our summer grounds team, a cordless impact set for our Longevity Team, commercial waffle makers for our Homestead, and a metal folding stand to help our Hospitality team fold fitted sheets (we wash 2,220 pounds of laundry each week!). Many of the antiques around camp have been donated by E-Posse team members, as well as the lazy Susans on the Homestead tables, rubber balls for the Program team, and money toward a replacement jeep for Mr. Sam, our Executive Director . . . a wide range of items that make a difference!

Check out our latest E-Posse video!

Thank you all for your help in the past and for joining us in the ministry here at Ironwood through prayer and donations! To God be the glory!





Summer Staff Scholarship