Defined FAQs

Defined is a one to three-year program designed for young adults ages 18 to 23 who desire more experience and education in the area of ministry. A graduate of Defined will have completed 48 credits of ministry training and will receive a Certificate of Ministry. Learning occurs in the classroom, in ministry involvement at Ironwood, during ministry tool workshops, and through interaction with mentors. Participants will work full time applying classroom knowledge to their ministry responsibilities.
Q. Who is able to enroll in the Defined?
A. High school graduates with a desire to glorify the Lord in all that they do. This program can be used as a learning time prior to college, in the middle of one’s college career, or in lieu of college. Either way, the three years spent at Defined will be a valuable tool to help find or further God’s will for life and future ministry.
Q. Does one need to make a three-year commitment to attend Defined?
A. No. Each year can stand alone. It is acceptable to attend Defined for one year. However, those who attend the full three-year program will receive a Certificate of Ministry.
Note: The program is designed to operate on the basis of a three-year rotation. All participants must apply each year for acceptance. Those who enter the program are reserved admission for three consecutive years but must still apply annually. If an individual decides not to return for a consecutive year, he or she forfeits the guaranteed admission and must re-enroll in the program.
Q. Will there be much involvement in the camping ministry?
A. Yes, very much so! Defined is designed so that participants can become an integral part of the camping ministry. This involvement will include all aspects of the ministry, including program and camper services opportunities.
Q. Are participants paid for their work?
A. Participants work in exchange for hands-on training, on-the-job learning, and room, board, and utilities (excluding phone).
Q. Can an individual pay for room and board and not work?
A. No. Work is integral to the training in the classroom.
Q. Is outside employment an option for participants?
A. No. Involvement in the ministry at Ironwood will include approximately 40 hours of work, discipleship, and on-the-job training. Added to that will be classes, homework, and personal study. The design of the schedule would not accommodate outside employment.
Q. Where do participants live?
A. Cabins will be provided for lodging. Participants will typically room with at least one other person. In addition to lodging, meals will be provided by the camp.
Q. What is the duration of the program?
A. Defined is a nine-month program instead of a semester-based program. The program begins in late August and runs through late May. There is an approximately three week break during December.
Q. How many people may enroll in Defined?
A. Admission into Defined is based on the needs of the Ironwood ministry. Therefore, the number of individuals accepted may vary. Because the core of Defined is based on ministry, it is important that we have ministry opportunities available to each of our participants. The size of Defined will grow in proportion to the needs of the Ironwood ministry.
Q. Will I be required to work at Ironwood each summer?
A. Each summer, Defined participants will have the opportunity to apply for summer staff and then be eligible to receive honorariums. They will be required to work at Ironwood for at least one summer in order to receive their certificate at the end of three years.
Q. What are the requirements for admission?
A. All potential participants must understand that Defined is not a reform school designed to rehabilitate young people; therefore, all individuals must desire to be involved in ministry and demonstrate a servant’s heart (Matthew 20:20–28). See Admissions Info for more details.