Ministry Outfitters Highlights & Benefits

—Camp is provided by donors interested in helping young people pursue a lifetime of ministry service.

—Camp is free to campers, but they need to fill out their registration form to hold their spot. They can’t just tell us they want to come.

—Helpful books and resources will be provided for the preparation of ministry work, and a ministry package will be sent out a few months after the camp.

—If a camper attends his 10th grade year, sessions and resource gifts will be different his 11th and 12th grade years.

—Counselors will be provided by Ironwood.

—Ministry Outfitters will help for youth understand the path to ministry. What are the next steps?  What are the necessary abilities and attitudes? What can be expected? Is it worth it? What will be hard? What landmines should be avoided?

—Overall, this will be an encouraging camp that makes a future of serving God something to anticipate.

—Several different speakers will share their wisdom and practical knowledge.

—This session-intensive camp is not for everyone. It will not be filled with activities like summer camp; it is a serious level up.

—This camp will be enjoyable because each youth will be around people with similar goals and interests.

—A pastoral recommendation is necessary. The recommendation can be a simple e-mail to that says, “I recommend [John Smith] to attend the Ministry Outfitters.” We do this so that the church knows of the interest in ministry, and so that we don’t have campers who are just interested in free camp. 

—Like programs for police officers (Youth Cadet), firefighters (Future Firefighters), military (ROTC) and farmers (Future Farmers of America), Ministry Outfitters is a program for high schoolers that introduces them to a future as a pastor, teacher, missionary, church/youth worker, or being the spouse of someone in those ministries.

—Ministry Outfitters has a cap that depends on the amount that is donated for the camp. Currently we can have up to 25, but we hope to increase that to 40.

—Both guys and girls can attend, but there is a limit to having too many of one gender.