Program Services
Qualifications: See Staff Standards.
Age: Must have graduated high school and be qualified to counsel.
General Goals
—Carry out the written goals of the Ironwood ministry in every area assigned.
—Help each camper have a safe, personally rewarding week of camp.
—Act as the catalyst to get campers totally involved in the Ironwood program.
—Function as a living example of Jesus Christ.
—Meet the needs of individual campers.
—Determine the spiritual needs of campers and help them take the next step toward spiritual maturity.
—Serve in other areas of the Ironwood ministry as needed.
—Serve as an instructor in activities or skills classes.
Program Services Teams
Counselors—responsible to program director. Adopt seven to nine campers each week from Monday afternoon until Saturday morning. Next to the Word of God, your example is the most powerful tool available for seeing God change lives.
First Aid Provider—responsible to senior program director. Oversee first aid, safety, and distribution of camper medicine.
Program Assistants—responsible to program director. Work as assistant to the program team in all areas: sound room, skills class inspection, game time, etc.
Wranglers—responsible to horsemanship team leader. Work as key personnel in the Ironwood horsemanship program, insuring that campers have a safe, rewarding experience with the horses. Always look for opportunities to challenge campers with spiritual truth. Duties include teaching riding skills and horse science, feeding and care of horses, trail rides, and daily chores.