Rusty’s Ridge
Every gift is a huge blessing!
In 2022 we grew unexpectedly and now face a capacity crunch. We need to build another camp zone in order for more groups to attend. After considering several options, we decided to move the horse area and use the lower arena, trail ride area, barn, and horse pen areas to create a new camp zone called Rusty’s Ridge. This massive project will take several years but will not impact the present horsemanship program. An overview of the project involves four things:
1) Move the horse area to where the hay barn sits now (tack room, hay shed, arenas and corrals)
2) Fix up four existing staff homes and add three new ones (effectively adding seven families)
3) Add about 10% facility (20 cabins and fellowship area)
4) Fix up 10% of the facility we already have (bunkhouses, dining rooms, activity area, and meeting rooms at the barn and old tack room).
When Rusty’s Ridge is finished, we will be able to add 50% ministry. Every dollar spent will produce three times the ministry that we are used to, primarily since the past 15 years have been strengthening the behind-the-scenes areas, and now it is easier to build for the growth.
As we headed into fall 2022, we expected to be sharing about this new adventure and starting from square one with just a few dollars. God had other plans! Already He has provided the funds to add six cabins and one home (over $200,000 given and pledged). Unbelievable! Of course God knew the need before we even shared it. Now we take the next steps:
$80,000 Furnish six new cabins and two old bunkhouses we’re remodeling, adding 80 beds
$35,000 Fix up a two-bedroom, two-bath home, home #2
$45,000 Build a hay shed and 2000- square-foot trail ride shade (using lots of stuff from the treasure yard to keep the costs down)
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